So my mom called…She asked me what I did today…I said I attended a seminar at college… “seminar? On what?” asks she… long pause…Umm…? An even longer pause as I racked my brains trying to remember what it was about. I started panicking. Was I having memory issues? How come I couldn’t remember it? It was today! Then suddenly I realized that I never knew what it was about in the first place…
Life is also like this seminar. We sit through the whole thing without knowing what it was about. Maybe that’s the beauty of it. Not knowing what it is about… not knowing what to expect next… not knowing when a small mistake from the past is gonna come back to bite your ass… blah blah blah. But as you all know…. I’m sorry… as you all don’t know… im not much of a beauty person. So lets cut the crap and put life under a microscope.
So if life is a seminar… then the topic would be… (drum roll)...“Happiness”. Life, is a quest for happiness! But it is surprising how in this quest for happiness all that we search for is a reason to be miserable. I would be lying if I said that I dint know what kind of perverse pleasure people derived from wallowing in self pity- because I do.
Pain can also be pleasurable sometimes… nothing can cause you more pain than an unshed tear and nothing can relieve you of all your burdens like a good crying out session. I’m sure most of you have said “nobody understands me” (some aloud and some to yourselves) and everybody who has said or thought this know what I mean when I talk about the perverse pleasure we derive from self pity. It’s surprising how we run after the things which bring us no joy but run away from things which threaten to bring back that lost optimism into our lives.
For me, life is happiness. Happiness is the sole purpose of life. We have only one life and unlike Cadbury shots we get only one shot at happiness. (Bad joke. I know. But p.j’s make me happy… so there you go).
So in life, embrace whatever makes you happy. Don’t be scared of anything which brings a smile onto your face. Happiness doesn’t always have to be followed by sadness as many of us seem to think. It’s okay to be happy all the time. You don’t need to crib all the time about how life sucks in order to survive. If you feel really happy for a few days… its okay… its normal… Enjoy the feeling while it lasts. You don’t always have to have a life full of problems in order to fit into this sad world! People will accept you even if you are a little different and a little more contented with your life than them. It will be a welcome change for the people around you to have a cheerful person around them… and just maybe… it will lessen the so called misery from some people’s lives.